RSR Challenge 10k, West Coast Park

Accurately measured, fast, 10k course eligible for Run Singapore Rankings inclusion.

Full results on the day with comprehensive statistics covering age-grade, age-category and single age records, plus all-time, age-grade and age-category rankings.

This event has now taken place. 

Our next event is the RSR Challenge 5k at 8pm on the 18 July at East Coast Park.

Date and start time8.00pm Thursday 27 June 2024
Start locationCoastal Promenade, north-west corner of West Coast Park
Bib collection7.15pm - 7.45pm on day of event, next to Ampitheatre (near finish line)
CostSGD 10.00
Registration deadline12.00pm on day of event or once capacity reaches 200
Minimum age16 years on day of event (with parental consent required for under-18s)
Cutoff timeCutoff 1 (4.6k): 24 min 30 sec; Finish: 55 min 0 sec
Bag dropNot provided, all belongings left at own risk
MedicalAEDs at all toilet blocks. No medical services provided
Upcoming dates and start times Race #2 - Thu 4 Apr 24, Race #3 - Thu 30 May 24, 8.00pm
Start / Finish location
400m west of Car Park B1 toilet block, East Coast Park
Bib collection
7.15pm - 7.45pm on day of event, Hut 02B (near finish line)
SGD 5.00 per event
Registration deadline
12.00pm on day of event or once capacity reaches 200
Minimum age
16 years on day of event (with parental consent required for under-18s)
Cut-off time
30:00 minutes
Bag drop
Not provided, all belongings left at own risk
AEDs at Car Park B1, B2 and C2 toilet blocks. No medical services provided

Registration for RSR Challenge 10k, 8:00pm Thu 27 June 2024

Registration for RSR Challenge 10k is now closed.

After clicking register you will be directed to Stripe to pay the SGD10.00 registration fee.

Our next event is the RSR Challenge 5k at 8pm on the 18 July at East Coast Park.

Important: Parental consent is required for participants under the age of 18.  Please email a signed copy of this parental consent form to by 12pm on event day. 

  • Accurately measured two lap course starting on the coastal promenade at the very north-west of West Coast Park and finishing by the Ampitheatre.

Earn and retain badges by your name


RSR Challenge 10k (“the Run” or “Event” ) is organised by Singapore Shufflers Pte Ltd (“the Organiser”). The Event shall take place in accordance with these Terms & Conditions.

Completion of the online registration form confirms the Participant’s agreement to abide by the relevant Terms & Conditions of the Event. These Terms & Conditions apply at all material times and to any ruling of the Organiser.

The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions without giving prior notification or any reasons thereof.

Any disputes arising from participation in the Run shall be referred to arbitration to be conducted in Singapore under the laws of Singapore.

Any queries regarding these Terms & Conditions should be submitted by email to


The Participant agrees to: (i) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about the Participant in the registration form (the “Registration Data”); and (ii) promptly inform the Organiser of any change to the Registration Data to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

If the Participant provides any information that is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, or if the Organiser has grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete, the Organiser may suspend or terminate the Participant’s registration and refuse access by the Participant to the Event.

The Organiser shall not be held responsible for any disputes arising from incomplete entry details.

Participants must be aged 16 years or older on the day of the Event.  As indicated in the online entry form, participants below the age of 18 years on the day of the Event must seek parental or guardian consent before participating in the Event and fill out the relevant parental consent form, failing which, the Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to that Participant.

The Organiser reserves the right in its absolute discretion to set the registration fees.

After registration, there will be no fee refund for Participants who do not eventually take part in the Run for any reasons whatsoever.

Participants can transfer their entries to another party provided the Organiser is informed at least 24 hours prior to the start of the Run and the relevant Registration Data for the transferee is supplied.

The Organiser may contact the Participant from time to time by email. Any notice sent to the email address registered with the Organiser shall be deemed as received by the Participant.

Gender Policy

On registration Participants are required to select one of four options in the field “Sex”: “Female”, “Male”, “Other”, “Prefer Not To Say”.  

“Sex” refers to sex at birth.

For age-grading purposes, Participants selecting “Other” or “Prefer Not To Say” will have their age-grade calculated using WMA male age-grading tables.

For rankings purposes, Participants selecting “Other” or “Prefer Not To Say” will be ranked in the “Male” age-category results tables. 

The Organiser may from time to time update this Gender Policy to ensure it is consistent with changes in legal or regulatory requirements, and/or changes in the number of Participants selecting “Other” or “Prefer Not To Say”.

The Run

The Organiser reserves the right to cancel or postpone the Run at any time without prior notice to the Participant, in which case they will make an effort to inform the Participant prior to the date of the Event. If the Event has to be cancelled or postponed, there shall be no refund of registration fees paid and the Organiser shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused.

The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Run course as they deem fit for the safety of the Participants and/or to prevent any potential hazards in the running of the Event, at any time without prior notice to the Participant. In such cases, every effort will be made to inform the Participant prior to the date of the event. The Organiser shall not be liable for any other loss or inconvenience caused due to such changes.

The Organiser reserves the right to delay the commencement of the Run in the event of inclement weather/air quality or in the event of course obstruction. Should the inclement weather/air quality or obstruction persist after the delay, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Run without refund of registration fees.

Each Participant’s assigned number bib must be visible on their front at all times during the Run. Participants without the allocated bib number will not be allowed to take part in the Run.

Participants must wear a front facing red running light at all times during the Run. Participants without a light will not be allowed to take part in the Run.

No pets, or any form of wheel-run objects of transport e.g. inline skates, prams, push cars, bicycles, scooters, shoes with built-in or attached rollers are allowed on the course during the Run except official and medical vehicles.

Baggage deposit services are not provided.  The Organiser will not be held responsible for any loss and/or damage, personal or otherwise, to the belongings and items left unattended during the Run. 

The cut-off time for the Run is 55:00 minutes.  Participants finishing after 55:00 minutes will not have their times recorded.

There will also be an interim checkpoint at the 4.6k mark of the Run.  The cut-off time for the the interim checkpoint is 24:30 minutes.  Participants reaching the interim checkpoint after 24:30 minutes will be required to leave the course and retire from the race immediately.

Littering is strictly forbidden and any participant found to be doing so will be automatically disqualified.

Following the Run, this website will display each Participant’s name, age, sex, club/school, age grade, participation locations, and finish times. 

The Organiser reserves the right to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other records of the Event for the purposes of administering, organising, and promoting current or future event in relation to the Run. The Participant is taken to have agreed to the foregoing when the online registration form is submitted.


Whilst reasonable precautions will be taken by the Organiser to ensure the safety of participants, Participants take part at their own risks and the Organiser, their sponsors and their appointed officials and volunteers shall not be liable for any death or injury, loss or damage, costs and expenses, suffered or otherwise, and howsoever arising.

Running is a physically active sport.  It is the personal responsibility of each Participant to ensure that the Participant is fit and able to take part in the Event.  Participants are strongly encouraged to go for a medical examination and/ or consult their medical practitioner prior to registration and before the actual event day.

The Organiser reserves the right to remove any Participant deemed physically incapable of continuing with the run to prevent him/her from causing greater harm and injury to himself/herself.

For the safety of participants, Participants are advised to run on the designated footpath and keep left at all times during the Run.

General Waiver

By submitting the online registration form, the Participant acknowledges and agrees that Singapore Shufflers Pte Ltd will not be liable for any harm, damage or loss of any nature whatsoever (including but not limited to death, injury, illness/sickness) and howsoever arising (including but not limited to arising as a result of negligence, gross negligence, and/or omission on the part of Singapore Shufflers Pte Ltd, its directors, employees, volunteers, other Participants) suffered by the Participant as a result of taking part in the Run.

By submitting the online registration form, the Participant indemnifies Singapore Shufflers Pte Ltd against any claim by any person arising, directly or indirectly, from any injury/sickness (including death), harm, loss or damage suffered by the Participant, whether or not such injury/sickness (including death), harm, loss or damage was caused or contributed to by any act or omission of Singapore Shufflers Pte Ltd, its directors, employees, volunteers, other Participants during the Run.

© 2024 Singapore Shufflers Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Singapore Shufflers Pte Ltd (“we”, “us” or “our”) recognises its responsibilities in relation to the protection of the personal data collected, used, disclosed, processed, transferred or retained under the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”).

Personal data will be collected only for lawful and relevant purposes and protected from any unauthorised access, use and disclosure. We take reasonable steps to ensure that personal data held by us is accurate. 

We may from time to time update this Privacy Policy to ensure it is consistent with changes in legal or regulatory requirements. Subject to rights at law, Athletes agree to be bound by the prevailing terms of this Privacy Policy as updated from time to time on this website.

Any updates to the Privacy Policy will be effective 30 days following the date on which this Privacy Policy is updated and posted on our website.


As used in this Policy: 

“Athlete” means an individual who

(a) has contacted us through any means to find out more about any services we provide or to supply Personal Data for the purpose of updating rankings listed on the website

(b) has registered for an event organised by us

“Personal Data” means data, whether true or not, about an Athlete who can be identified: 

(a) from that data; or 

(b) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access.

Depending on the nature of an Athlete’s interaction with us, some examples of Personal Data which we may collect include name, date of birth, sex, email address, telephone number, club, school, nationality, residency, emergency contact details, race results, race location, race date.

Other terms used in this Policy shall have the meanings given to them in the PDPA (where the context so permits).


We generally do not collect Personal Data unless:

(a) it is provided to us voluntarily by an Athlete directly (or for Athletes under the age of 18 years, a legal guardian/parent of the Athlete), or via a third party who has been duly authorised by the Athlete to disclose the Athlete’s Personal Data

(b) collection and use of Personal Data without consent is permitted or required by the PDPA or other laws. 

We shall seek an Athlete’s consent before collecting any additional Personal Data and before using Personal Data for a purpose which has not been notified by an Athlete (except where permitted or authorised by law).  

We may collect and use an Athlete’s Personal Data for any or all of the following purposes:

  • calculating distance running rankings for Singaporeans and Singapore residents and the results of any events organised by us
  • performing obligations in the course of or in connection with our provision of any other services requested by an Athlete;
  • for any other purposes for which an Athlete has provided the information;
  • responding to, handling, and processing queries, requests, applications, complaints, and feedback from Athlete’s;
  • managing an Athletes relationship with us;
  • informing an Athlete of future events organised by us;
  • processing payment or credit transactions;
  • complying with any applicable laws, regulations, codes of practice, guidelines, or rules, or to assist in law enforcement and investigations conducted by any governmental and/or regulatory authority;

We may disclose Personal Data:

  • to the public on the website and visitors to events organised by us for the purposes of listing distance running rankings for Singaporeans and Singapore residents, and the results of any events organised by us
  • to third-party service providers and advisors such as medical support or payment processing providers. If applicable, such service providers will, by appropriate data processing agreements, be bound to process personal data only on our behalf and under our instructions.



Consent for the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Data will remain valid until such time it is being withdrawn by an Athlete in writing. Athletes may withdraw consent and request us to stop collecting, using and/or disclosing Personal Data for any or all of the purposes listed above by submitting a request via email to

Upon receipt of an Athlete’s written request to withdraw consent, we may require reasonable time for the request to be processed and for us to notify the Athlete of the consequences of us acceding to the same, including any legal consequences which may affect an Athlete’s rights and liabilities to us. In general, we shall seek to process a request within ten (10) business days of receiving it.

Withdrawing consent does not affect our right to continue to collect, use and disclose Personal Data where such collection, use and disclosure without consent is permitted or required under applicable laws.


If an Athlete wishes to make (a) an access request for access to a copy of the Personal Data which we hold about the Athlete or information about the ways in which we use or disclose Personal Data, or (b) a correction request to correct or update any Personal Data which we hold about an Athlete, an Athlete may submit a request via email to

We will respond to any requests as soon as reasonably possible. In general, our response will be within twenty (21) business days. Should we not be able to respond to a request within thirty (30) days after receiving a request, we will inform the Athlete in writing within thirty (30) days of the time by which we will be able to respond to a request. If we are unable to provide an Athlete with any Personal Data or to make a correction requested by the Athlete, we shall generally inform the Athlete of the reasons why we are unable to do so (except where we are not required to do so under the PDPA).


To safeguard Personal Data from unauthorised access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or similar risks, we have introduced appropriate administrative, physical and technical measures such as up-to-date antivirus protection, encryption,, and disclosing Personal Data both internally and to our authorised third party service providers only on a need to-know basis.

No method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is completely secure. While security cannot be guaranteed, we strive to protect the security of information and are constantly reviewing and enhancing our information security measures.


We generally rely on Personal Data provided by an Athlete. Changes to Personal Data should be submitted by an Athlete to


We may retain Personal Data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, or as required or permitted by applicable laws.

We will cease to retain Personal Data, or remove the means by which the data can be associated with an Athlete, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that such retention no longer serves the purpose for which the Personal Data was collected, and is no longer necessary for legal or business purposes.


We generally do not transfer Personal Data to countries outside of Singapore. However, we do subscribe to the of use cloud software that may transfer and store Personal Data in a server outside. 


Queries regarding this Privacy Policy should be submitted to 

Effective date: 01 Mar 2024
Last updated: 01 Mar 2024